Thursday, April 30, 2009

hello there again

heyy DID you know that this is my 30th post!! OH MAN BREAK OUT THE CONFETTI!!!!!

so anyway... im just sittin here. watching some quality television. im pretty exited that ugly betty is on tonight. wooo

yep. ive been wait for like, EVER for it to come on again. so now i have a happy.

and its a long weekend!! actually tomorrow is a PA day. so it makes it a long weekend for me :) but not my sister :P muhahaha!!!

so umm yea

Monday, April 27, 2009

oh me oh my!

hello there people :)

i havent written a blog in quite some time havent i? meh... i have the link to blogger in my favourites and when i go across/down the list i click on pretty much everything except blogger. im not sure why.

i guess its kinda boring..

but its good for me to let out some steam and entertain people with my rants..

but i dont really have any rants today...

its sooo nice here today :D i am super happy. we walked into town today but didnt buy anything. we just went down there to eat our lunch for one reason... because its WARM!!!

so we packed our food into one bag and walked right on down to the docks and had a little lunch.

then we walked down to the dollar store but decided we shouldnt go in because it would look suspicious if a groups of teenage girls went into a dollar store and didnt buy anything. ya know? so we just walked back to the school and hung out there for s while...

so yea that was basically my lunch.. oh jeeze, my friend jen had this great idea to go SWIMMING.

just because its warm doesnt mean the water is!! so her and julia got into their bathing suits all ready to get to swimming. and then they were like OMG ITS COLDDD WATTERRR!!!! and didnt end up swimming afterall. they stuck their feet in the water tho.

if its warm again tomorrow, i think im going to buy some frenchfries from the chip truck and then some icecream!!! yummers

but its suppost to rain..


Monday, April 13, 2009

what is this??? oh its a title

hello there blog buddies!!

actually, there probably isn't anyone reading this. da dee dum.

do you know what bugs me? well, on lisi harrison's blog (if you dont read it i highly suggest you start now) the people commenting on it are soo annoying!! they treat the comment page like a message board!! like, for the first 10 posts its like 'first!' and 'omg ive never been this close to the top before!' its soooo obnoxious!!

and today i was reading some of the ridiculous messages and one was like, 'omg im so close to the top!! i havent even read the post yet though!! lolol ahaha im so excited' and so on. im like, omg shut up you are NOT cool.

grrr... and another thing people do is they post their freaking BOOKS on the wall for lisi to 'read'. AS IF LISI HARRISON IS GOING TO READ YOUR TRASH BOOK!! gosh and they're all poorly written and ungramatically correct and just soo annoying just spamming up the comments!!

AND some people have to nerve to have actual conversations on the comments page!! like i can understand if one person asks the writer of the blog a question and another person can answer it for them, but these are like.. 'heyy is anyone on?' and 'hello everyone how are you doing' and such. GOSH, SOO ANNOYING!!!

so if my blog ever becomes uberly famous and there are like... 2000 comments a week. PLEASE dont do this or i will be forced to chop off your heads. :D

oh and i think its time for a new bloggy look... dont you?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

ugh bored

hello there! yes yes i know its been quite a while since my last posty but nothing exciting happened.

we walked to mac's today and skylar bought us all kinder surprises. i got a green funny monkey. it made my day. lol and jodi got a creepy looking witch thing.

wow im watching americas next top and they just had a huge catfight.

like, sure it totally wasnt the blonde chicks business to get into all this, but the other girl with the burns is annoying how when she does bad, she doesnt want to be there but when she does good, she wants to. it doesnt surprise me that the other girls are kinda ticked. oh and saying YOUR STUPID like, 749 times does not give you an upperhand in an argument.

but i have to say that the blonde girl with the HUGE eyes is soo pretty. i would be so happy if my eyes were that big. and its against the blonde code to not like another blonde girl on a reality tv show. and the blonde girl with the short hair is ok and i know that i SHOULD like her, but i just cant.

and i think i already talked about this.

well i hope you people locked in the closet are doing well and i hope that you can find something more entertaining than my blog to occupy yourself.