Wednesday, February 25, 2009

white sparkly things

TEETH! muhaha

im going to the dentists. thus the post at 8:15 in the a.m. :o

im gettin this thing, not quite sure what its called, and it gets cemented to my molars. theres a metal rod conecting my molars that goes across my mouth. but thats not the best part. everyday, at the same time, i get this little screwdriver and twist a screw in the rod. this makes the metal rod longer. this makes my jaw wider.


but apparently it only hurts for the first 3 or 4 days. then when the muscles SNAP, you dont feel anything. ewewewewew.

so today im going for the molds to get that sucker fit to my face.

the only thing im not too crazy about (other than the SNAP) is that i get a space between my 2 front teeth. ewwwww.

im gonna look so dumb. ill have to start talking like a hill billy. har har har look at me i have a space between my teeth. huh huh har har durrr.

1 comment:

  1. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
    when i read that first paragraph im like "AHG!" and then you go and talk about the snap..... OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
    emma you did not tell me about this.
    except then i read the whole hill billy thing, and i acctually laughed out loud :P
    anyways, thats all i have to say. and i won't make fun of your spaced teeth! :D
    haha, i bet that doesn't make you feel better anyways. sorry, lol
    but keep writing. its hilarious!
    love: Jodi :)
